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5 Holistic Ways to Prevent Premature Graying and Restore Natural Hair Color


Aging is a natural process, and with it comes the natural occurrence of gray hair. As we grow older, the melanin in our hair follicles, which gives hair its color, begins to decline. This change in hair color can range from gray to silver to white. However, in today's fast-paced world, we often accelerate the aging process due to our food choices, lifestyle, emotions, and stress levels. Additionally, neglecting to care for our hair and scalp regularly can contribute to the occurrence of gray hair. In this blog post, we will explore a holistic approach that can work miraculously to help restore or regain your natural hair color. 

How Can I stop premature GREY Hair:- here is some natural remedies to stop premature GREY Hair

 1. Hibiscus Yogurt Pack

One effective way to prevent premature graying of hair is by using a hibiscus yogurt pack. This pack is not only wonderful for the summer season but also helps in maintaining the natural color of your hair. To prepare the pack, follow these steps:

1. In a mixing bowl, add 4 tablespoons of yogurt and 1/4 cup of hibiscus powder.

2. Mix the ingredients well to make a paste.

3. Apply the paste to your hair and scalp, focusing on the areas with gray hair.

4. Allow the pack to stay for 30 to 40 minutes.

5. Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

2. Bringraj Plus Amla Oil

Another effective remedy for preventing premature graying of hair is using Bringraj plus Amla oil. Bringraj oil contains active ingredients like haritaki and jatamasi, which are great for preserving the natural color of hair and preventing premature graying. Here's how you can use it:

1. Before going to bed, mix some Amla oil with Bringraj oil.

2. Massage the oil mixture onto your scalp.

3. Leave it overnight.

4. Rinse it off the next morning.

Additionally, the nutrients present in the oil will provide deep conditioning to your hair and bring out its natural shine. Amla oil stimulates hair growth, improves hair quality, purifies the blood, and retains the natural color of hair by preventing graying.

 3. Ashwagandha Tea

Ashwagandha, a powerful herb, can help restore lost melanin and prevent premature graying of hair. It contains an amino acid called tyrosine, which stimulates melanin formation in hair follicles. Ashwagandha also reduces cortisol levels in the body, preventing follicle damage and hair loss. Follow these steps to prepare Ashwagandha tea:

1. Boil 1 spoon of ashwagandha powder or a few dried roots in water for 10 to 15 minutes.

2. Put a lid on the pot and let it simmer on low heat.

3. Strain the decoction into a cup.

4. For better taste, add a teaspoon of honey and squeeze lemon.

5. Enjoy this lovely tea.

Along with Ashwagandha tea, it is recommended to have crisp roasted makhana, which is a healthy snack option.

 4. Asanas for Increased Blood Circulation

Yogasanas can play a significant role in preventing premature graying of hair by increasing blood circulation in the scalp. Specifically, inversion asanas, where the body is positioned above the head, have tremendous benefits for the scalp and the entire region. Two effective asanas for increasing blood flow towards the brain and preventing graying of hair are:

1. Prekarni: This powerful asana rejuvenates the body and controls graying of hair.

2. Sarvangasana: This asana is highly effective in enhancing blood circulation towards the brain.

Additionally, forward bending asanas like Uttanasana, Paschimottanasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, and Yoga Mudra are excellent for enhancing blood circulation in the head region.

 5. Copper and Omega-Rich Food

A proper diet plays a critical role in maintaining healthy hair. Lack of essential nutrients like iron, copper, vitamin B, iodine, and omega-3 can contribute to hair problems, including premature graying. To prevent graying and promote healthy hair growth, include the following foods in your diet:

- Copper-rich foods: Cashews, potatoes, chickpeas, almonds, and mushrooms.

- Vitamin B-rich foods: Curd, paneer, bananas, and carrots.

- Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc-rich foods: Walnuts, flax seeds, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, etc.

By incorporating these nutrient-rich foods into your daily diet, you can support the growth of healthy hair and prevent premature graying.


In conclusion, premature graying of hair is a common concern, but it can be prevented and even reversed with a holistic approach. By following the five methods mentioned above - using a hibiscus yogurt pack, applying Bringraj plus Amla oil, consuming Ashwagandha tea, practicing asanas for increased blood circulation, and incorporating copper and omega-rich foods into your diet - you can maintain the natural color of your hair and promote its overall health. Remember, it is essential to avoid stress and negative emotions, as they can contribute to premature graying. Embrace yourself as you are, and let your hair show its natural beauty. You are lovely, beautiful, and a creation of God. Take care and enjoy life to the fullest.


Is there a vitamin to stop gray hair?

Yes, Vitamins D, B12, B9, B5, and minerals like iron, calcium, and zinc can help reverse gray hair.

What causes GREY hair at an early age?

Copper and iron deficiency Causes GREY hair .

Is it normal to have GREY hair at 25?

Early gray hair may not mean anything other than your genetics are kicking in. Different people gray at different rates—and that's normal. However, graying can happen for other reasons as well, including stress.

Which food is good for hair black?

Seafood, walnuts, fatty fish, seeds, and plant oils

*Note: The information provided in this blog post is based on traditional knowledge and remedies. It is always recommended to consult a healthcare professional or dermatologist for personalized advice and treatment.*

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