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How does functional ability relate to healthy ageing

Introduction In today's fast-paced world, the desire for healthy ageing and functional ability is more prevalent than ever. People are ...

Rakesh Nama 9 Jul, 2023

Is Attachment Parenting Bad?

What is Attachment Parenting?  Attachment parenting is an approach that emphasizes building a strong emotional bond between parents and thei...

Rakesh Nama 2 Jul, 2023

Honoring the Body: Holistic Living

A Beginner's Guide to Embracing a Holistic Lifestyle Introduction In our fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in the chaos a...

Rakesh Nama 28 Jun, 2023

Effective Natural Tips for Healthy Aging

Introduction: Aging is a natural process that everyone goes through, but it's possible to age gracefully and maintain good health and vi...

Rakesh Nama 25 Jun, 2023

Environmentalism:Ideology, History, and Types

Environmentalism:Ideology, History, and Types Environmentalism is a powerful and vital ideology that has shaped the course of our planet&#39...

Rakesh Nama 24 Jun, 2023

Healing Your Digestive Tract with Herbal Supplements

Introduction Do you feel that burning sensation in your chest after having a hearty meal? Tired of the constant burping and nausea that co...

Rakesh Nama 24 Jun, 2023

Why are carbs considered bad and unhealthy?

Carbohydrates, or carbs, have been a topic of much debate and confusion in the realm of nutrition. With so many conflicting opinions and fad...

Rakesh Nama 22 Jun, 2023

Why You Should Consider Going Vegan

Introduction In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of plant-based diets, and for good reason. People are bec...

Rakesh Nama 22 Jun, 2023